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Monday 1 April 2013

VIDEO: YouTube Announces Shutdown In April Fool's Prank

The popular video-sharing website; youtube.com quietly released a video Sunday morning, the day before April Fool's, titled, "YouTube's ready to select a winner." In it, employees from YouTube explain that, starting at midnight tonight, the site will go offline. They'll then begin narrowing down the best video, with a winner announced when YouTube goes back online in 2023.

"We're so close to the end," explains YouTube's "Competition Director," Tim Liston, in the video's opening scene. "Tonight at midnight, YouTube.com will no longer be accepting entries. After eight amazing years, it is finally time to review everything that has been uploaded to our site and begin the process of selecting a winner."
Antoine Dodson, a judge in the contest (and YouTube celebrity) adds, "We are all story tellers, that's what pulled me into this contest... I encourage everybody to watch as many videos as possible before YouTube deletes everything tonight."

Other notable YouTube celebrities appear in the video as well, each sharing their dream to be selected as the best video on YouTube. "I'd better win," says Matt Harding of "Where the Hell is Matt? 2012" fame. "Otherwise, all those years traveling the world were just an expensive waste of time."

In addition to YouTube glory, the winner will also walk away with an Mp3 player that clips to their sleeve and $500 toward their next creative endeavor.

In other news...Google went a step further by actually incorporating its hoax product onto the face of its search engine. Google Nose, "The new scentsation in search" “leverages new and existing technologies to offer the sharpest olfactory experience available” via SMELLCD™ 1.8+ high-resolution for exact and controlled smells. Good news: horse manure (yummm), spring morning and wet dog are all available! Meanwhile, SafeSearch will keep users away from unwarranted smells.

Followed by Twitter;

“Twttr” announced last night that unless you’re a premium user, you need to keep vowels away from your tweets because if you don’t, Twitter will cost you $5 a month from now onwards. Who needs vowels anyway? Ask a teenager and they’ll tell you how expendable and overrated they’ve become. That’s why Twitter decided to do its older generation users a favor and bring them up to standard, explaining “We’re doing this because we believe that by eliminating vowels, we’ll encourage a more efficient and “dense” form of communication.” Y hv nthng t wrry bt f y cn ndrstnd ths sntnc!

Lol, funny.

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