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Friday 22 March 2013

Breaking News: Things Fall Apart Author Chinua Achebe Dies

Renowned Nigerian author Chinua Achebe 82, has passed on today 22, March after a brief illness.
He is one of Africa's best known authors and has sold more than 10 million copies of his 1958 debut novel; Things Fall Apart, which dealt with the impact of colonialism in Africa.

A statement released on behalf of his family said Mr Achebe was
"one of the great literary voices of his time".

"He was also a beloved husband, father, uncle and grandfather, whose wisdom and courage are an inspiration to all who knew him. Professor Achebe's family requests privacy at this time."

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan said Mr Achebe's admirers had all learnt "indelible lessons of human existence" from his works.

"Achebe's frank, truthful and fearless interventions in national affairs will be greatly missed at home in Nigeria because while others may have disagreed with his views, most Nigerians never doubted his immense patriotism and sincere commitment to the building of a greater, more united and prosperous nation that all Africans and the entire black race could be proud of," the president said in a statement. Condelences are being offered to the Achebe family from in and out of Nigeria including that from the former South African president Nelson Mandela.

R.I.P Professor Albert Chinualumogu Achebe.

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